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James Jordan is a prophetic teacher and the revelation of sonship is a prophetic message. For many, the word ‘prophetic’ often revolves around moving in the gift of prophecy.  However, that is not what we mean when we use the term ‘prophetic.’ I’d like to share seven thoughts about the prophetic nature of the revelation of sonship that James and Denise Jordan bring to the body of Christ.

1. To be prophetic is to be God’s mouthpiece — to speak from God’s perspective.

The most obvious definition of ‘prophetic’ is to speak the words of God. You could say that all authentic ministry is communication from God but what is unique about being prophetic?

A common current understanding of the prophetic is that it is ‘foretelling’ something. In other words, it is saying what will happen in the future. Many personal prophecies relate to our lives in the future. However, there is another aspect of the prophetic, which is ‘forth-telling.’ This is not talking so much about the future but speaking forth the heart and word of God right now and right here for this present time. The revelation of sonship proclaims what God wants to communicate in this day. It is prophetic because on the whole, Christianity does not perceive what God is saying. It needs to be declared by prophetic ministry.

2. To be prophetic is to bring revelation where there is no revelation

A lamp shining in a dark place brings the light of revelation to the heart that does not have that revelation. Prophetic revelation ushers in the dawning of a new day. Personally speaking, when I first heard the prophetic revelation of the love of the Father and that His love could be imparted and that I could live experientially as a son, it was as if a new dawn broke in my heart. It took prophetic preaching to do this — to shine a lamp of revelation into the hidden recesses of my heart.

The prophetic is not the dawn itself, but it is a lamp which shines in the darkness (lack of revelation) until the day dawns. The day dawns when God is fully revealed within the heart of His people for who He really is. When the day dawns there is no longer any need for a lamp. When we arrive at the destination there is no longer any need for a sign pointing to it.

3. To be prophetic is to declare that one epoch is finished and another one has begun.

An epoch is defined as — “a period of time in history or a person’s life, typically one marked by notable events or particular characteristics.”

A prophetic ministry has already transitioned.  It has moved from one epoch to declare a new epoch. The revelation of sonship brings people into the new, into an experience of Christianity from the very heart of Sonship.

4. To be prophetic is to manifest the passion and emotion of the heart of God.

The prophetic is not only a channel for the words of God, but it also manifests the accompanying emotion of the Father in speaking to His children.

Prophetic ministry comes from a place that is connected and exposed to the heart of the Father. The Father is revealed by the son who is in His bosom. Living in intimacy, close to the heart of the Father is the place from which He is prophetically revealed.

5. To be prophetic is to be both an iconoclast and an innovator. It is to uproot and tear down — then to plant and to build.

An iconoclast is someone who destroys “religious symbols or, by extension, established dogma or conventions.” The very nature of the prophetic is that it uproots and destroys before it plants and builds. To be prophetic is to be destructive but also to construct something new and fresh.

A truly prophetic ministry is not only an iconoclast, it is also an innovator by bringing a specific revelation for a specific time.  It does not depart from what is revealed in the Scriptures but it is not necessarily balanced nor does it declare the ‘whole counsel of God.’  It declares what has eternally been in the heart of God. In fact, the prophetic revelation is not really new — it is only new to the hearer because the truth has been obscured.

The revelation of the Father and of sonship is the real Gospel. Jesus came to bring us to the Father. It is the purpose of God from eternity past to have humanity in relationship to Him. His true nature is a loving and caring Father.  The revelation of sonship uproots in order for there to be an opening for the Father’s love to find us!

6. To be prophetic means to have a breakthrough anointing.

The prophetic doesn’t teach per se — it shifts the spiritual atmosphere. The prophetic doesn’t have to be fully understood to be effective. The words themselves, released into the atmosphere, are like seeds or time bombs.

Prophetic preaching creates a beachhead in the spirit. It is often a violent place making an opening to expand into new territory.  It is a dramatic and focused punch, maybe even messy — but it is enough to open the heart and spirit so that a new reality can come in. The revelation of sonship is ‘a beachhead’ to experience of the love of the Father.

7. To be prophetic is to speak from the periphery.

One final point. The prophetic often speaks from a place that is on the periphery — that is outside the typical place where most of Christianity exists. The prophetic does not come from the ‘status quo.’ Rather, it speaks to the ‘status quo.’

The very nature of the prophetic is that it swims upstream, often going against the flow. While speaking from the periphery, the prophetic is radically free, drawing its authority from the place where God is and to where He wants to bring His Church.

Critique is not the same as to criticize. Prophetic ministry does not leave people with the negative; rather, it energizes the positive, returning things to the way God wants them to be:  You are a son and your Father loves you!

(*Adapted from:  “What Does it Mean to be Prophetic?” by Stephen Hill)

Stephen Hill is from Belfast, Northern Ireland. He has been with the Fatherheart Ministries team since 2010, working closely with James and Denise Jordan and playing a major part in the writing and publishing of their books. He lives in Taupo, New Zealand with his family.